U n a b o d a e n l o s P i r i n e o s, n o e s u n a b o d a c u a l q u i e r a . . .
U n a   b o d a   e n   l o s   P i r i n e o s,   n o   e s   u n a   b o d a   c u a l q u i e r a . . .

The place

The Pyrenees mountains in the Aragon region

Many of the highest peaks of the Pyrenees mountain range are found in the 200km stretch that runs from East to West along the northern part of the province of Huesca. Aneto (3404m) and Monte Perdido (3355m), the highest tips in Ordesa’s National Park and declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO, are significant examples. Numerous towns in the region preserve their traditional, rural architecture which today is considered to be an outstanding asset of the ancient Kingdom of Aragon.


Sobrarbe, one of the 10 counties that make up the province of Huesca, spans across 2200km2 of the Central Pyrenees area and the Ara river basin as well as the source of the Cinca river and their affluents. 19 districts which contain over 100 local townships with a total population of 7000 make up the Sobrarbe county. Both the towns of Ainsa and Boltaña share the county’s government seat.



Boltaña is considered to be one of the most important towns in the Pyrenees-Aragon region thanks to its strategic location, harsh-less climate, friendly people and the richness nature provides to its inhabitants.



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Monasterio de Boltaña, Huesca

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